
Talking about Friends and Friendship in English

Hello English learners. Welcome to a new lesson. We will learn some useful vocabulary you need for talking about friendship.

We all have friends and when younger we usually have lots of friends and later on in life, that number goes down. If you are lucky you can have a few close friends when you are older. Friends make us feel less lonely and we can share our problems and secrets with them. Friends can be close or lifelong and they are supposed to spark joy. Some adjectives we can use to describe a friend are loyal, helpful, supportive, sympathetic, encouraging, trustworthy, good listener, etc.

Click here to find 26 adjectives to describe a friend with example sentences

Here are some natural expressions and idioms we can use to talk about friends and friendship:

  1. Make friends
  2. On friendly terms
  3. Fair-weather friend
  4. Win someone’s trust
  5. Get on like a house on fire
  6. To hit it off
  7. See eye to eye
  8. Through thick and thin
  9. A shoulder to cry on
  10. Stand the test of time

Make friends

To make friends is a collocation meaning to become friends with someone.

Our daughter finds it very easy to make friends with other children.

Talking about Friends and Friendship in English

On friendly terms

If we are on friendly terms with someone, we are helpful, kind and affectionate towards them.

Teresa and her husband were divorced but they remained on friendly terms with each other.

Fair-weather friend

We can not rely on a fair-weather friend when we have difficulty in life. They are the kind of a friend that would contact you only when they need something but they would be nowhere to be found when you have a bad day.

James is a fair-weather friend. You just can’t rely on him when you need someone to talk to.

Win someone’s trust

If you think that someone you’ve met is an honest and reliable person who deserves to be considered a friend, you can say that they won your trust.

After the incident, Rob knew that he would never win Fiona’s trust again.

Talking about Friends and Friendship in English

Get on like a house on fire

When two people meet and become friends instantly we say that they get on like a house on fire.

We were not sure if Nick and Gregory would like each other but they got on like a house on fire. Even today they are inseparable.

To hit it off

This is a similar idiom. If you hit it off with someone, it means that you become friends with them as soon as you meet them.

Since I’ve known them both for a long time, I knew they would hit it off.

See eye to eye

To see eye to eye with someone means that you have the same or similar opinion.

Grace and I are best friends. We see eye to eye about most things.

Through thick and thin

When your friends are there for you during hardship, you can say that you’ve been through thick and thin.

Mark has stood by me through thick and thin all my life.

Talking about Friends and Friendship in English

A shoulder to cry on

If your friends want to listen to you when you are going through difficult times and support you, you can say that you have a shoulder to cry on.

When my father died, Jane was my shoulder to cry on.

Stand the test of time

If your friendship with someone is long-lasting and has become strong, you can say that it has stood the test of time.

Our friendship has stood the test of time many times.

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Talking about friends and friendship in English

Talking about friends and friendship in English


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