
Talking about friends and friendship in English

Talking about Friends and Friendship in English

We all have friends and when younger we usually have lots of friends and later on in life, that number goes down. If you are lucky you can have a few close friends when you are older. Friends make us feel less lonely and we can share our problems and secrets with them. Friends can be close or lifelong and they are supposed to spark joy. Some adjectives we can use to describe a friend are loyal, helpful, supportive, sympathetic, encouraging, trustworthy, good listener, etc. Follow the link to learn some useful vocabulary you need for talking about friendship.

Phrases to show contrast

Phrases to Show Contrast

Hello English learners. Welcome to a new lesson. If you are writing an essay and need to refresh it with new expressions and phrases, you must read today’s lesson because we will look at some super interesting and useful expressions you should consider using in your writing. Follow the link to read the blog post.

How to use LIKELY

How to Use “Likely”

Hello English learners. Welcome to a new lesson. The English teachers at My Lingua Academy are happy to help you improve your English. Today, we will talk about how to use “likely”. If we say that something is likely to happen or is true, then it will probably happen or is true. We use “likely” to say how probable something is. It is used before a noun, with the verbs be, seem and appear:

Phrasal verbs with ALONG

10 Phrasal Verbs with ALONG

Hello English learners. Welcome to a new lesson. Phrasal verbs are an irreplaceable part of English because native speakers use them quite a lot in their everyday conversations. Communication is much easier and quicker if you know phrasal verbs. However, they tend to be difficult to learn because they have multiple meanings and are easily mistaken. In today’s lesson, we will look at 10 phrasal verbs with “along”.