My Lingua Academy

Amount of, Number of, Quantity of

Amount of, number of, quantity of are phrases we use to express the volume of something. How do we know which phrase to use? Let’s find out.

Amount of

Use the amount of with uncountable and unmeasurable nouns. Remember that it always goes with a noun in singular, not in the plural. Don’t say an amount of trees, vegetables, buildings or any other countable nouns. Use it when you want to define the quantity of time, money, etc.

For example:

Number of

Use the phrase number of with countable and measurable nouns. Therefore, you can use it with nouns in both singular and plural. 

For example:


Use plural verb after a number of

Use singular verb after the number of (meaning several)

Quantity of

Quantity is more formal than number or amount. Use quantity of to define the amount of inanimate (not living) objects that can be measured or counted. It has two forms: quantity of and quantities of.

For example:

Remember to say large quantity instead of big quantity.

Idiomatic expressions

Any number 

Meaning: a large number.

In quantity

Meaning: in large amounts.

No amount

Meaning: use it to say that something has no effect.

Amount of, Number of, Quantity of
Amount of, Number of, Quantity of

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