
24 Adjectives to Describe a Mother

Hello English learners. Welcome to a new lesson. Adjectives, as descriptive tools are quite an important part of vocabulary because they add colour and taste to a language. Without them, our speech and writing would be extremely unflavoured and dull. If you are looking for the words to describe a mother, you will benefit from today’s lesson, because we are going to look at the adjectives to describe a mother.

  1. Bold
  2. Caring
  3. Compassionate
  4. Dependable
  5. Devoted
  6. Gentle
  7. Graceful
  8. Intuitive
  9. Loving
  10. Nurturing
  11. Patient
  12. Protective
  13. Quiet
  14. Reliable
  15. Resilient
  16. Respectable
  17. Selfless
  18. Senile
  19. Strong
  20. Supportive
  21. Thoughtful
  22. Understanding
  23. Warm
  24. Wise


Meaning: a bold person is brave and not afraid of danger.

My mother was a bold person who believed in us and was caring and nurturing at all times.


Meaning: a caring person is mindful of other people’s needs and tries to help.

Michael missed his caring mother more than words could say after she’d passed away.

Adjectives to describe a mother

Adjectives to describe a mother


Meaning: a compassionate person is sympathetic towards the suffering of others.

Mary is a compassionate mother. She can fully feel her children’s pain and suffering.


Meaning: a mother you can trust to do what you expect or need.

David’s mum was always a loyal and dependable mother you could rely on.


Meaning: a devoted mother is committed to her children completely.

Lucy is very devoted to her child.  She and her husband provided a wonderful home for their daughter who passed through college with honours.


Meaning: a gentle person is calm, kind and soft.

Sara is very gentle with her children. She is loving and devoted and always puts their needs and interests before theirs.


Meaning: a graceful mother is pleasantly polite and honest.

Monica is a graceful mother, always mindful of the impression her words or actions have on her children.


Meaning:  an intuitive mother relies on her feelings rather than facts.

Jill is an intuitive mother who can understand her children’s behaviour based on her feelings.


Meaning: a loving mother is the one who shows her love and affection towards her children.

Sophia was a caring wife and a loving mother.


Meaning:  patient and affectionate, caring about her children’s feelings.

Paul has always had a dream of a family with a nurturing mother who sees children off to school and greets them back with homemade lunch.

Adjectives to describe a mother

Adjectives to describe a mother


Meaning: a mother who stays calm in all situations and never gets annoyed.

My mother has always been understanding and patient with children.


Meaning: a protective mother wants to protect her children from danger.

Being an abused child, Sandra became a protective mother.


Meaning: a mother who doesn’t talk much.

Rob’s mum was not very noisy or aggressive she was quiet and introverted.


Meaning: a mother you can rely on, dependable.

Our mother taught us to be reliable and honest by her own example.


Meaning: a mother who is capable of coping with the stresses and challenges of everyday family life.

Myra will soon be out of the hospital. She is very resilient.


Meaning: looking and behaving in a socially acceptable way.

Gina was a respectable mother, coming from a proper middle-class family.


Meaning: a mother who cares about her children more than about herself.

All in all, Elsa was a selfless person, keen to help others, especially her family.

Adjectives to describe a mother

Adjectives to describe a mother


Meaning: prone to forgetting things due to old age.

Ryan spent a few years caring about his senile mum.


Meaning: a strong mother is capable of dealing with problems well.

Brian was lucky to have such a strong mother.


Meaning: a supportive mother encourages and helps her children.

When I decided to become a writer, my mother was totally supportive of that idea.


Meaning: kind, supportive and helpful.

Julia’s children described her as an intelligent, thoughtful mum.


Meaning: an understanding person shows sympathy for other people’s problems.

Rebecca has always tried to be an understanding mum.


Meaning: a person who is friendly and shows his/her affection.

Anna’s mum was a genuinely charming and warm person.


Meaning: a wise mother is sensible due to her life experience and can give her children good advice.

A wise mother should prepare her children to be reasonable and moderate.

Adjectives to describe a mother

Adjectives to describe a mother

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