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Vocabulary Related to Environment

Vocabulary Related to Environment

Hi dear English learners! Here is a very important topic for you today. It is vocabulary related to environment. You may know how to talk about it in your language, but how familiar are you with this vocabulary in English? As you already know, we need to know how our environment is changing so that we can fight for the health and well-being of our one and only planet. In that sense, let’s look at some essential vocabulary related to the environment.

Acid rain

Meaning: rain whose pH is less than natural acidity  5-6. It is caused by burning substances such as coal or oil in the atmosphere.

Alternative/renewable energy

Meaning: alternative energy is coming from natural sources that don’t run out. It is also called renewable energy. Examples of renewable energy are sun, wind, water, etc.


Meaning: we say that material is biodegradable if it can be decomposed by biological activity.


Meaning: The word biodiversity comes from two words: biological and diversity. Therefore, it refers to a variety of life (animals, plants, etc.) on the planet or in a specific area.

Carbon monoxide

Meaning: A colourless gas formed by incomplete fuel combustion. People who breathe carbon monoxide get poisoned. It is very dangerous and can be fatal.

Carbon footprint

Meaning:  the amount of carbon dioxide we produce through our activities.

Vocabulary related to environment

Climate change

Meaning: change in the weather of the planet, especially the increase in temperature caused by carbon dioxide emissions.


Meaning: a product of a natural process of decomposing plants and leftover food into a fertilizer that helps plants grow. 


Meaning: protection of the environment from harmful human activity.


Meaning: to add a substance that is poisonous or dangerous into the water, soil or similar.

Vocabulary related to environment


Meaning: refers to cutting down or burning large areas of trees by humans.


Meaning: a period without any rain that prevents crops from growing.

Earth-friendly / eco-friendly / environmentally friendly

Meaning: a product that is not harmful to the environment.


Meaning: a science dealing with the way humans, plants and animals affect each other.


Meaning: all the living organisms such as animals and plants living in a certain area and the ways they interact with each other and the environment.

Vocabulary related to environment

Carbon emissions

Meaning: carbon dioxide from car exhausts, planes, and factories that cause pollution and harm the environment.


Meaning: which no longer exists. Usually refers to animal and plant species that died out.

Endangered species

Meaning: an animal or a plant that is in danger of becoming extinct because there are not many of them left.


Meaning: products that save energy such as appliances, materials, etc.

They used energy-saving construction materials when building the house.

Fair trade

Meaning: trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries during which fair prices are paid to the producers.

Vocabulary related to environment


Meaning: a huge amount of water covering a normally dry area.

Fossil fuel

Meaning: fuel made from animals and plants remains over millions of years.


Meaning: a farming system in which animals are free to move around rather than being kept in cages.

Global warming

Meaning: the rise in temperature in the Earth’s atmosphere caused by the increase of carbon dioxide emissions.

Greenhouse effect

Meaning: an increase of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the atmosphere, which causes global warming.

Vocabulary related to environment


Meaning: food produced without any artificial chemicals.


Meaning: dense tropical forests that have lots of rain.


Meaning: to treat waste materials (paper, plastic, tin, etc.)  so that they can be re-used.


Meaning: using the sun to produce energy.


Meaning: using natural sources in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.

Vocabulary related to environment
Vocabulary related to environment

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