
English Collocations about Speaking

English Collocations about Speaking

You have probably realized by now that it is very important to know collocations because they are natural expressions of a language. Every serious language learner should try to learn the word in its natural context in order to learn it really well. In that regard, we are going to discuss 11 collocations about speaking or different ways to speak in English.

Phrasal verbs with “THROUGH”

Phrasal Verbs with “THROUGH”

Hi dear English learners! Welcome to a new lesson. It is about 11 commonly used phrasal verbs with “through” you need to know if you want to be a fluent English speaker. Phrasal verbs are very useful because they help you understand the English language better, and pass the exams such as FCE, CAE, TOEFL, IELTS, etc.

Cooking verbs in English

Cooking Verbs in English

Hi, dear English learners! Do you like cooking? Are you having a problem understanding recipes written in English? As you’ve probably noticed, there are so many cooking verbs in English. Food can be boiled, grilled, minced, etc. In order to be able to understand this specific vocabulary, in today’s lesson, we will be talking about these verbs.