
Causative verbs: Let – Make – Have – Get – Help

The causative verbs: have, get, make, let, help are called “causative” because they cause something to happen. These constructions have always been one of the most mysterious and challenging parts of English grammar. These verbs are used in causative sentence constructions. In this article, we will look at the causative verbs: have, get, make, let, help.

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Nouns that are only Singular

Hi dear English learners! Just when you thought English grammar is easy and that you know everything about singular and plural, countable and uncountable nouns, you’ve bumped into this post. As you already know, nouns in English have both singular and plural forms. However, there is a group of nouns that can only be singular and we are going to discuss them today.



Who or whom? That is the question. 

Who and whom are interrogative pronouns. Many people live their lives without using WHOM at all, thinking that whom should be used in formal situations only. If you want to speak English properly, then you need to know about usage of both WHO and WHOM.